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                | About us
                XINYI Information Technology Ltd --- the world's leading IoT chip start-up company
                 -- was incorporated in Zhangjiang, Shanghai in March 2017, and is currently focusing on R&D and sales of IoT communication chip (NB-IoT). .
                The company employs a group of world-class industry-leading experts and has a complete and internationally leading chip research and development capability. The founder and core team are from well-known chip and communication companies such as Broadcom, Qualcomm, Intel, and MaxLinear. They graduated from UCLA, TAMU, UT Dallas, UMN, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Southeast University and other famous universities at home and abroad
                The company has won numerous awards, including “2018 NB-IoT Technology Innovation Award” and “China's Most Investment Value NB-IoT Chip Enterprise in 2018”. It has won many supports from the State Ministry and the Shanghai Municipal Government for many times; The company has received investment of over 100 million yuan from well-known investment institutions and strategic investors.
                XINYI Information Technology Ltd focuses on domestic and international layout, with core as the wing, boosting the Internet of Things.
                | The concept of designing IoT SoC
                | Contact us
                XINYI Information Technology Ltd

                Ste 408,Y1 112 Liangxiu RD,Pudong

